Brighten someone's day with this Extra Large Yellow Roses Bouquet, featuring 100 vibrant yellow roses carefully arranged into a stunning display of elegance and cheer. Each bloom symbolizes joy, friendship, and positivity, making it a perfect gift for celebrations, milestones, or simply to bring happiness to someone special. Wrapped in premium paper and finished with a stylish bow, this bouquet is as luxurious as it is eye-catching. Ideal for making a grand statement that will leave a lasting impression.
100 Yellow Roses
- ดอกกุหลาบสีเหลือง 100 ดอก(100 Yellow Roses)
หมายเหตุ : ดอกไม้อาจมีการปรับเปลี่ยนตามฤดูกาล (Flowers type may be adjusted according to the season.)