"Introducing the Dreamy Pastel Blossoms bouquet, a mesmerizing arrangement that captures the essence of delicate beauty. This bouquet features an array of white roses, each softly accented with a pastel blue spray paint, creating a stunning blend of tranquility and elegance. The gentle hues of blue and white come together to evoke a serene, dreamlike quality, making it the perfect gift for any occasion where grace and sophistication are desired. Wrapped with flowing white and blue ribbons, this bouquet is as enchanting as a soft morning sky, offering a touch of pastel wonder to brighten anyone’s day."
Colour Options
- Ocean Blue
- Sky Blue
BQT-XL-075 Dreamy Pastel Blossoms Bouquet
฿10,900.00 Regular Price
฿8,900.00Sale Price
- ดอกกุหลาบสีขาวพ่นสีพาสเทล (100 White Roses with spray-painted with pastel blue)
หมายเหตุ : ดอกไม้อาจมีการปรับเปลี่ยนตามฤดูกาล (Flowers type may be adjusted according to the season.)